Nezaket Ekici and Shahar Marcus, group exhibition, 56th October Salon – ‘The Pleasure of Love’, Belgrade Culture Center

October 7, 2016

Nezaket Ekici and Shahar Marcus are participating in a group exhibition at the 56th October Salon named The Pleasure of Love at the Belgrade Culture Center, Belgrade, Serbia.

They will present tow of their joint works: Lublin Beach and Salt Dinner, both are part of the ongoing project- ‘In relations’.
Curated by: David Elliot

“Nezaket Ekici and Shahar Marcus both work separately as artists but started to collaborate on projects in 2012. Their ongoing project In Relation revolves around an exploration of time, space, culture and religion. In this,  as a German-based Muslim and an Israeli-based Jew, they collaborate on performances and videos that bridge cultures and religions as well as the long distances between Berlin and Tel Aviv. Focusing on the origin of the latin word relatio (relation), meaning ‘bringing back’, they set out to bring back a knowledge that has been forgotten by most of us: a relation with ourselves. Since 2012 they have produced seven video works together:  Salt Dinner, Sand Clock, Floating  Ourselves, Clean Coal, Fossils,Fields of Breath and Lublin Beach, all concentrating on the Ancient Greek aphorism  γνῶθι σεαυτὸν: know thyself. It seems that the journey that Nezaket and Shahar are sharing with us is only possible when people are willing to cross borders and really communicate with each other. New perspectives, that may even give rise to a clearer view on reality, only occur when we are prepared to interact with other cultures and beliefs because only then may we see ourselves within a broader context of belief, morality and culture. Achieving anything entails being ‘in relation’ to something else and to do this we inevitably have to break out of our comfort zones, like Nezaket and Shahar have bravely done in these works.” (ANDREAS DAMMERTZ)

September 23rd through November 6th

Click for details





Tue – Thu




By appointment only

11:00 – 18:00

11:00 – 14:00

11:00 – 14:00



Design by The-Studio

Code By Haker Design





Tue – Thu




By appointment only

11:00 – 16:00

11:00 – 14:00
