June 2-July 31, 2016
Katharina Gaenssler
Opening: June 2nd, 8pm
Curator: Yaffa Braverman
Braverman Gallery is pleased to invite you to ‘Bauhaus Staircase’, a new solo exhibition by Katharina Gaenssler.
‘Bauhaus Staircase’ (2016), is a site-specific photo installation, specially installed for the gallery space. The site-specific photo works refer to the Bauhaus Dessau International Style building. Gaenssler photographed both architecture and paintings: the staircase at Bauhaus Dessau by Walter Gropius (1926), the MoMA Bauhaus Staircase built by Philip L. Goodwin and Edward Durell Stone (1937), and the ‘Bauhaus Stairway’ paintings by Oskar Schlemmer (1932) and Roy Lichtenstein (1988). Altogether an archive of 10177 photographs was formed, a selection of which is presented in this project.
Katharina Gaenssler was born in Munich, Germany (1974), lives and works in Munich and Berlin, studied at the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich (1999-2005). Between the years 2013-2014 Gaenssler was positioned as a visiting Professor at Hamburg Art Academy.
Selected solo exhibitions including Discovery Award, Rencontre d’Arles, France; Barbara Gross Gallery, Munich (2014); Gallery Katharina Bittel, Hamburg; Old Master’s Painting Gallery, Public Art Collection, Dresden; Kunstverein Hildesheim (2012); Sprengel Museum Hannover (2010), and more.
Selected group exhibitions including Museum of Modern Art, New-York; Braverman Gallery (2015); La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland (2015); Museum Folkwang Essen (2014); Museum of Szlzburg, Austria (2013); Maurer Zilioli Contemporary, Brescia, Italy; Museum of Art, Stuttgart (2012); House of Photography, Deichtorhallen, Hamburg (2010); Space Lower-Austrian Artspace, Vienna, Austria (2008); and more.
Grants & Awards : include the Foundation Kunstfonds Bohn, Working Scholarship (2014); Erwin und Gisela von Steiner Trust Project Award (2012); First Prize, Art in Architecture Competition for Academic High School Trudering, Munich, QUIVID Art in Artchitecture Program / Munich Building Department (2011); Dorothea Erxleben Program Scholarship, Braunschweig University of Art (2011-2013); USA Travelling Scholarship, Bavarian State Ministry of Sciences, Research and the Arts; Dr. Ulrich und Gertrude Lechner Art Award, Dachau (2010); Bavarian Arts Special Development Award for Visual Art (2009); City of Munich, Development Award for Photography (2007); Educational Scholarship, Bavarian State Ministry of Sciences, Research and the Arts (2004).
Tue – Thu
By appointment only
11:00 – 18:00
11:00 – 14:00
11:00 – 14:00
Design by The-Studio
Code By Haker Design
Katharina Gaenssler - Bauhaus Staircase - Dessau New York Tel-Aviv, installation view, Braverman Gallery, 2016
Katharina Gaenssler - Bauhaus Staircase - Dessau New York Tel-Aviv, installation view, Braverman Gallery, 2016
Katharina Gaenssler - Bauhaus Staircase - Dessau New York Tel-Aviv, installation view, Braverman Gallery, 2016
Katharina Gaenssler - Bauhaus Staircase - Dessau New York Tel-Aviv, installation view, Braverman Gallery, 2016
Katharina Gaenssler, Grid (Bauhaus Staircase) 11.13, 2016, Pigment print, 160x110 cm
Katharina Gaenssler, Bauhaus Staircase, 383 x 1411 cm. “Digital Image © 2015 The Museum of Modern Art, New York.” Photographed by Thomas Griesel
Katharina Gaenssler, Bauhaus Staircase, 383 x 1411 cm. “Digital Image © 2015 The Museum of Modern Art, New York.” Photographed by Thomas Griesel
Tue – Thu
By appointment only
11:00 – 16:00
11:00 – 14:00